Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Favorites: Installment 1

Gather 'round folks.

I'm starting something new.

It's called Friday Favorites (creative, huh?) and each Friday I'm going to do my best to post one of my ... you guessed it, favorite things.

I'll give you a minute to process the awesomeness.

Anyway, tonight's the first installment. After pondering what my very first Friday Favorite would be I decided to highlight my favorite movie.

If you know me well, this is no surprise. My favorite movie of all time is...


Good golly

Here's one of my favorite clips.

And here's one two THREE of my favorite quotes. 

"I'm a mog: half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend!" - Barf

"What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz? CHICKEN?" - Dark Helmet

"WHAT? You went over my helmet?" - Dark Helmet

My bro and I could seriously quote the entire movie start to finish. It's a thing of beauty.

Thanks for indulging me! What's your favorite movie?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

l o v e l o v e

Valentine's Day. {blech}

I'm really not a fan. I'm just not.

Calm down. I'm not heartless. I love love. Who doesn't? It's one of the greatest things in this life. But V-Day just doesn't do it for me.

Anyway, in the spirit of Valentine's Day, Sean & Mandy on Air1 radio gave this marriage & relationship tip the other day and it totally resonated with me.

::Demonstrate love::

It's so easy.

And so completely necessary.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I’m Not Narcissistic, Just Bored

Sometimes when it’s just me and Cannen at the house and he falls asleep in his swing and I don't want to clean or cook or fold laundry or read or watch TV...I get bored.

So I take pictures of myself.

Then he'll wake up so I take pictures of him.

And of us together.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh! Now I Get It

If you know my brother Nick well then you know he hates Snuggies. You know, those slightly silly, we're-all-gonna-wear-them-to-the-ballgame blankets with sleeves? Yeah. Those. That's what he hates. With a passion.

His level of hate is kinda remarkable, really. Kyle even wanted to buy him a Snuggie for Christmas just to make him mad. I didn't allow that to happen. I didn't want to put him over the edge.

Anyway, I was kinda in Nick's camp on the whole Snuggie issue. I didn't really get it. It's basically a robe worn backwards, right? So, why don't people just save some money and put their robe on backwards?

But today...I finally got it. I had Cannen all wrapped up in a wonderfully fuzzy blanket but he was not happy. Not one bit. And then it occurred to me...



And, just for the record, Nick did not get his hatred of Snuggies from our parents. Here they are at the last 2010 tailgate proudly wearing their matching Snuggies.

Aren't they cute?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Kid is a Genius

That's right. I'm putting it out there. Just like that.

See, this last Saturday we were in Weatherford for the SWOSU Bulldog game to cheer on Bud. Afterwards we went to a local restaurant and Pops (my dad), Gramps (Kyle's Dad), Kyle, Cannen and I were all at table together.

I had Cannen sitting on the table facing his two grandpas. My Dad started waving his fingers trying to get Cannen's attention. It worked. And then, right there in the middle of a mediocre Mexican restaurant, the most miraculous, astonishing and down-right fascinating thing happened: Cannen waved back.

People! The kid was only 10 weeks 5 days old at the time. This must be some kind of record or something. I know, I know, you want proof. But I don't have it.

You'll just have to take my word for it.