Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm highly irregular.

No, people, I'm not talking about my bowel movements! I haven't posted anything on my blog in months and I decided it's high time I get started. From now on, I'm going to try to be more regular. Do you think they have a yogurt designed to keep bloggers like me regular? Maybe one that contains 'bifidus regularis'? Come to think of it, I think I saw a coupon for buy one get one...

Anyway, I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and to be honest, most are about the mundane happenings of people's lives...yet they're strangly fascinating. Got me thinking...people just might be interested in hearing how I saw a lady wearing a 'swine flu' mask while driving her car or how I read the entire Twilight series in a matter of days and I'm now secretly in-love with a 17 year old vampire. So, stay tuned.

Kyle and I are heading to the Oklahoma Panhandle this weekend...I'm sure I'll have interesting stories to post after driving through Slapout and beyond. Inevitable fun awaits.


Felix Family said...

hope your trip to the panhandle was good. SO sorry we weren't able to see each other:) I have worked my tail off this weekend painting.
Love Ya, Lu are either way early or way late for the Thanksgiving background...JUST had to give you a hard time:)

Wendy said...

HAHA! I tried to change the background at work...and it won't let me. So, I need to update it b/c I'm WAY LATE!

We had a great time! I'll call you soon. Love you!