Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What's In a Name

If you know me at all, you know that I'm totally indecisive. I just don't want to make a final decision and then POOF! something better comes along.

When I found out I was pregnant I was so excited but instantly worried about what we would name it if it was a boy. Well, wouldn't you know it, a tiny little penis appeared on the ultrasound and from that day in June to the middle of November, everyone's question for us was, "What's his name going to be?". Since we had no idea, the baby was affectionately dubbed 'Baby J'.

During this time, Kyle and I talked about names non-stop. We both agreed the name should be something unique but not weird since our last name is Johnson, which is quite common. We both made lists of names we liked. I liked the name Owen. Kyle hated it. He liked Keegan. I really couldn't stand it. And on and on it went and one by one they were removed until the lists were totally empty.

We finally took a much needed break from the name conversation, hoping something would just come to us. That didn't help, either!

Our family and friends really weren't much help, either, although they thought they were! Let me just prove it to you with a list of some of the suggestions...

Aristole (from Brett)
Lincoln (also from Brett. After this he was banned from participating!)
Jericho (from Nick)
Houdini (from my boss)
Paco (from Diana)
Lil' Keith (from, who else...Keith!)

and the list goes on and on. It became quite an ordeal!

Finally, the time came for us to get serious about a name...and for me to make a decision. I decided I liked the idea of giving him a 'K' name, so Kyle started reading names from the baby book. Randomly he said, "Kannon" and my heart melted. That was it! I was so excited. I asked him to read the meaning, but had already decided it didn't matter what it was. Much to my horror the meaning was 'a Buddhist diety'. Okay. That wasn't going to cut it. What if, one day, he wants to be president of the United States and someone finds that out and they make a big deal of it?! I just couldn't see it. So I decided we needed to move on. More back and forth and indecisiveness occurred until the night before he was born. Kyle and I discussed it some more and I told Kyle why 'Kannon' wouldn't work for me. He said, "Wendy, the name is in the book under the 'C's, too." Well, wouldn't know you - it was and the meaning was 'an official of the church'. That decided it for me!

So, Cannen it was. We had both liked the name Ace all along, although I just couldn't have Ace as his first name but it definitely fits as the middle name. We both have it in our heads that Ace will be a good nickname for him as he grows up.

So, now you know. He's the only Cannen Ace I know and I just love this name! It fits him already.

I'm quite thankful Cannen has a 'good' meaning. Otherwise the poor kid might have 'Baby J' on his birth certificate.

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