Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wheel Wishes

I’m an avid Wheel of Fortune fan. I never miss an episode. And no, I’m not 75.

If I do happen to miss an episode I don’t fret. Know why? Because I have my DVR to record the show. In HD.

So, it’s probably no surprise I want to go on the show. I need to be on that show. In preparation for my fictitious TV appearance, I play Wheel of Fortune on my iPhone. Daily.

I also got Kyle addicted to the game. 

Lots of times when we’re in bed but don’t want to sleep…what do we do? No, not that, silly.

We play Wheel!

He’s not very good, bless his heart.

For instance one time he thought the puzzle was "Albert Einstein" but it was actually "Corporate Espionage". Good one, Kyle.

Anyway, Wheel rocks. Like, totally.


Rebecca said...

Because of you, I DVR it now, too! We are awesome! And woah, I didn't know about the iPhone app. I'm totally going to need to get that yesterday.

Wendy said...

You're welcome x 2. We are the coolest people we know.