Tuesday, November 8, 2011

it's the little things...

Sometimes the smallest things have the biggest impact.

Case in point:

The other day Kyle was sitting on the fireplace, Cannen was crawling all over the living room and I was chillin’ in the recliner. I decided to go sit in front of Kyle on the floor while Cannen explored the living room and worked on his basketball skills (video on that coming soon).

Anyway, Cannen was minding his own business while Kyle, with his arms draped around me, and I sat there and watched, discussing our day. All of the sudden Cannen looked up and gave us a big 4-toothed smile and crawled like the wind towards us. It was as if he simply could not wait to join us in our little embrace. He hurriedly crawled up my legs and onto my body and stood up in my lap and smooshed his little face into mine, all the while reaching up towards his Dad. He was squealing with delight the entire time, so happy to join us.

I laughed and laughed and my heart was so happy. It’s like he knew that we were his parents and that we all belong together, one happy little family.

Throughout the last 11 months I’ve experienced emotions I never thought I’d feel, I’ve loved deeper than I ever knew possible and had incredible moments that I’ll cherish a lifetime.

But this simple act of Cannen rushing towards us, like he couldn’t wait to join us, was one of the best moments of my life.

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