Wednesday, June 26, 2013

An Update on the Johnson's

In case you didn't hear - we are moving to Weatherford! While the past few months have been a stressful and trying time, I know that this is God's plan for our lives and I believe that we are walking totally and completely in his will.

We prayed and prayed for Kyle to be accepted into the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Academy. Then we prayed that he would make it through the Academy. Now that we've made it this far (only 3 weeks, 1 day left!) I seriously doubt God is saying, "Well kids, I brought you this far. Now the rest is up to you."

I completely believe that this is what is supposed to happen in our lives and I have to admit - I'm pretty excited! God has been so good to us. This became abundantly clear to me when I finally said, "Okay God. I get it. I surrender to you. I GIVE UP. I give it to you." And then - almost instantly - things started revealing themselves to me and things started going our way...

First of all, we found a daycare in Weatherford! This is a HUGE relief as there are not many options in Weatherford. (Thanks Becca for helping on this one!)

Secondly, we sold our house. This is totally and completely awesome, especially considering it was on the market a mere 8 (yes, eight!) days.

But, there is one tiny problem: we don't have a place to live in Weatherford.

So this is a plea to my Weatherford friends - does anyone know of a house for rent? We prefer a house with at least 2 bedrooms, but 3 would be ideal. We also need a yard. Many places don't allow pets and that's okay - I believe we have an option for our German Shepherd if she can't live with us for a while.

If you know of a place that is open or will be available in mid-July please let me know.

Much love,

Read my other blog post for some additional details about the move!

1 comment:

Tabbi Burwell said...

I am checking for you. I have a friend that goes to pharmacy school out there.